'The Pontificators' take on Public Speaking

'The Pontificators' take on Public Speaking
Spotlight Academic Competition

Our group of Year 5 public speakers went to Epsom College to participate in the ‘Prep Schools’ Public Speaking Competition'.

Our pupils performed ‘What’s in a name?’ which highlighted and questioned if our names give us our identity and therefore shape our behaviour. To explain this they gave the example of Adolf Hitler. Adolf means Wolf and these characteristics are those of a predator, hunter and that of a killer. The same adjectives we think about when we hear his name. Compare this to Mother Teresa. Teresa means Harvest, which is an important time in the Christian calendar, it is a time for giving, which is what Mother Teresa did. After giving a few more analogies our pupils left the audience with much to think about and whether we are living up to our own names.

'The Pontificators' spoke with confidence and enthusiasm and championed our Headteacher, Mrs Davies’ 4 Cs of curiosity, confidence, creativity and collaboration. We are looking forward to the next Public Speaking competition and to see what topic they will focus and educate us on next. 


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'The Pontificators' take on Public Speaking