Life Skills

Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education (PSHCE) has been renamed ‘Life Skills’ and underpins the very heartbeat of Kew Green Preparatory School. There is a strong ethos that promotes and raises children’s self-esteem, self-awareness and decision making skills, whilst building and encouraging individuals to take on more active roles and responsibilities within the community of the school, the local area and the wider world.

Life skills takes on a variety of forms which enables the children to identify and share their opinions on a wide range of matters including current affairs, charity work and personal reflection. We have a respectful forum in all lessons where the children feel safe to share their thoughts and feelings on issues discussed honestly and without judgement. As a school community we work together, children and adults, to broaden our opinions and to be accepting of everyone.

We are very proud of the charity links and events we have and they are a key element of life at school, particularly the support and friendships we have developed with children at Joodon School in Kenya. The children are very excited to support their friends in Africa through raising money and writing letters to pen pals.

Our School Council, comprising children from each year group, keep a close eye on the school’s development and will readily request changes and new initiatives which the children have thought about. These are often excellent ideas and readily come to fruition.

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